Integrate Synergist with your Sage accounting system

A seamless data flow from your agency project management software to accounting software

Synergist is fully integrated with Sage accounting software, including Sage 50, Sage 50cloud, Sage Business Cloud Accounting, Sage 200 and Sage ACCPAC.

Synergist talks directly with Sage 50 & Sage Business Cloud Accounting giving a simple and secure way of posting transactions. You choose when to transfer pending transactions - nothing moves automatically. Sales invoices and approved purchase invoices that have not previously been posted (up to a cut-off date) are put into a batch. Synergist then validates this information with Sage to ensure it will all be understood. Assuming this is fine, it then posts the transactions across to Sage.

If any issues are identified in the checking process, they are detailed, allowing them to be addressed (e.g. invalid nominal code), and the corrected batch of transactions is then posted to Sage.

This seamless approach means your data is moved over in a couple of clicks without re-inputting, reformatting or errors.

We have hundreds of clients using Sage 50, Sage 50cloud & Sage Business Cloud Accounting with Synergist and extensive experience supporting users of this integration.

What are the benefits?

You gain all the in-depth reporting and tracking sophistication of Synergist with the financial administration support of Sage. It will feel like you're using one system but with the benefits of two. Each provider being an expert in their specific field.

No timely re-inputting or reformatting of information. Once integrated, everything can be easily moved from Synergist to Sage and vice versa. So you can track payment for your jobs in Synergist and post it directly to Sage when you're ready. Simple. 

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If you're already using Synergist, but haven't yet integrated with Sage accounts then simply search for "Sage" within "Synergist Help" or contact the Synergist helpdesk on 01625 577 918 or and they'll be able to help.

All-in-one agency management software

From new business, costing, project and resource management, through to billing and reporting, Synergist brings together everything you need to manage your agency's projects, people, clients and financials.