How agencies use content marketing to market their own services

 |  By: Steve Johnson In: Trends and insights

Agencies are the gurus when it comes to results-driven marketing. So what do they do when the topic is themselves?

Do agencies follow their own advice and use content marketing to promote their own services?

Yes, is the answer. The Content Marketing Institute recently did a survey of its members, asking them how they use content marketing not on behalf of their clients but to market themselves.

What reasons did agencies give? And what worked? The following chart shows that creating brand awareness, trust and education were the top three successful goals achieved.

Graph showing content marketing successful goals

Some other findings:

  • 64% found content marketing to be more successful than a year ago
  • 74% said their organisation is very committed to content marketing
  • 94% said their agency values the creativity and craft needed to create content marketing
  • 77% use email campaigbns to nurture audience
  • 77% use long-form content (in-depth articles and guides)
  • 66% increased content marketing spending last year
  • 58% expect their content marketing budget to increase this year